Thursday, September 4, 2014

What I Love Most About Teaching

A baker's dozen of what I love most about teaching. 

1) Hearing students deeply engaged in group discussion - without me having  to facilitate

2) Observing students watch out for each other, keeping each other on-task and connected to our shared purpose

3) Feeling the electricity in writing lab when students create and develop their ideas at their keyboards

4) Reading student journals where students cop to finding out the lesson was more meaningful than they might have expected

5) Sharing and brainstorming with my teaching colleagues

6) Seeing the intense interest students pay to my written feedback on their papers

7 )Prepping for class - one of my most favorite things to do!

8) Being held up after class by students who want to keep talking about what we were doing in class

9) Hearing students say that the class time flew, not realizing that thinking could be fun, or at least pleasurable in ways they hadn't expected

10) Hearing former students talk about how what we did together is now making sense to them

11) Seeing students build self-confidence and practice self-efficacy

12) Watching students shift from victim mentality to creator mentality, from  fixed mindset to a growth mindset 

13) Seeing students realize that they can "get it"


  1. Oh, excellent list. So precise. Love #3, #5 and #12.

  2. feeling the electricity, intense interest, self confidence and efficacy, creator mentality, growth mindset, "get it"

    Love this post, Henry!
